Today: Jan 24, 2025

Norwegian scallop startup scores $4.6 million from government for green venture.

1 year ago

A Norwegian scallop startup, Ava Ocean, has received a government grant of $4.6 million for its project to eliminate sea urchin deserts and rejuvenate kelp forests along the Norwegian coast. The project, known as The Ocean Green, aims to use Ava Ocean’s seabed harvesting technology to harvest invasive sea urchins, revitalize kelp forests, and develop new products. The grant will allow Ava Ocean to lead a consortium of partners, including Wild Lab Projects, NIBIO, NIVA, Akvaplan Niva, Hofseth Biocare, and Wandering Owl.

The Ocean Green project will tackle the issue of sea urchin deserts, which occur when there is an overpopulation of sea urchins that devastate kelp forests. Sea urchins feed on kelp, and when their population is not kept in check, they can consume large areas of kelp forests. This not only disrupts the ecosystem but also impacts the fishing industry, as kelp forests serve as important habitats for various marine species.

Ava Ocean’s seabed harvesting technology will enable the efficient and sustainable harvest of sea urchins. The company has developed innovative techniques and equipment that allow for the selective removal of sea urchins from the ocean floor without damaging the surrounding ecosystem. By removing excess sea urchins, the project aims to restore balance to the ecosystem and promote the regrowth of kelp forests.

In addition to its environmental benefits, The Ocean Green project also aims to develop new products from the harvested sea urchins and kelp. Sea urchins are a delicacy in many cuisines, and their roe, or eggs, are highly sought after. The project will explore ways to process sea urchins into various food products, creating new market opportunities for the seafood industry.

The rejuvenation of kelp forests will also have positive impacts on the fisheries industry. Kelp forests provide important habitats for fish, shellfish, and other marine species, which in turn support commercial fishing activities. By restoring kelp forests, the project aims to enhance the overall health and productivity of the marine ecosystem, benefiting both the environment and the economy.

The government grant will provide Ava Ocean with the necessary funding to carry out its ambitious project. The consortium of partners brings together expertise from various fields, including marine biology, aquaculture, and product development, ensuring a comprehensive approach to tackling the issue of sea urchin deserts and promoting sustainable seafood production.

In conclusion, Ava Ocean’s Ocean Green project aims to eliminate sea urchin deserts and rejuvenate kelp forests along the Norwegian coast. The project will utilize Ava Ocean’s seabed harvesting technology to harvest invasive sea urchins, revitalize kelp forests, and develop new products. The government grant of $4.6 million will enable the project to proceed, with a consortium of partners contributing their expertise to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable approach.